Birthday 50K: Skyline Edition

In Running, Personal, Race

Long story short: I took it easy today. But as with my virtual Boston Marathon last Saturday, taking it easy doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy from start to finish!

For today, I thought there’d be aid on the course. I didn’t bring hydration, and I brought limited nutrition.

There was no aid. Instead, I got lots of sun, and heat exhaustion headaches, especially going up MacDonald around Mile 11, and on Stream between Miles 14-18.

But as luck would have it, I ran into a support crew at Mile 23 for a contingent of Dusty Bottoms runners (also running the virtual Skyline 50K today), and got the most refreshing can of sugar water (aka Coke) that I’ve tasted all year. After this jolt of sugar, plus cooler temps, I wrapped up Miles 23 through 31 pretty easily.

Lots of memories on this route. Some of them not surprising (past races, etc.), others more surprising (past people I’ve run with, but no longer hear from). Also lots of reflections. And finally, lots of support, albeit virtually: unlike during my run last year (which I kept secret until I was done), a lot more people messaged me to either wish me a happy birthday, a good run, or both. It was nice.

To cap it off, Ed, one of the most amazing people I know (and LMJS’ new president!), came to cheer my finish, get dinner with me, and drive my beaten-up body home. Thanks Ed. 🙂

Overall, I wouldn’t have wanted to celebrate my birthday (a day which I used to hate) any other way. I hope I’ll be able to keep this up. (Looking at you, future self!)


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