34th Annual Lake Chabot Trail Challenge

In Running, Race

Bib #240. Gun-to-chip time: 1:41:04. 15/144 Overall. 3/14 M18-29. Won a pie (raffle). πŸ™‚

Second leg of the Triple Crown… complete! When I signed up for all three races a couple months ago, the elevation profile for this race “looked like death.” Now that I’ve finished it, either it wasn’t too deathly after all… or perhaps I enjoyed the weather and scenery too much. πŸ™‚

I was comfortable going in, despite running 12.6 miles yesterday. I didn’t have any expectations, and I knew the course guaranteed that I wasn’t going to PR. Nutrition-wise, I ended up eating a whole lot of pasta last night — probably more than I really needed to. And I definitely got enough sleep (despite having to wake up an hour earlier than usual). The only concern was some soreness in my right foot.

Miles Start-3.5. E Shore -> Cameron Loop -> Ten Hills -> Proctor.
Starting out, I knew there was going to a climb to save energy for, so my start was conservative, at a 7 min/mile GAP. No surprises, though the start procedure reminded me of high school cross-country (where everyone starts in a wide line and funnels into a road or trail). There was also a guy who took his phone out for photos around 2.5 miles.

Miles 3.5-8. Brandon Skyline -> Brandon.
The dreaded climb sucked as expected. But it sucked in a familiar, nice way — Jeanine’s class gets massive kudos here. I did have to walk the 15-20% grade hill at the end of Mile 6, as expected. After this climb was over, a guy that I was passing joked: “Damn, I wish there were more hills!” (I told him that there would in fact be a couple hills left :P).

Mile 8. Redtail.
This section could’ve been better marked. I was also not a fan of criss-crossing the road three times. Finally, I had a minor crash into a bush on a fast downhill turn; fortunately, the brush was thick, there was no ravine to fall into, and I incurred no injuries. All good.

Mile 8-Finish. Back to the starting area.
I could’ve pushed harder on this mostly downhill section. I definitely had more gas left at the end than I wanted. That said, I ended up not catching anyone within half a mile ahead of me, though, despite Red Shirt and Blue Shirt being within a 200m striking distance. I literally missed Red by 0.3 seconds!!! In any case, strong, clear-headed finishes are awesome; this finish was one.

I won a large apple pie! From a raffle. I originally won a bottle of wine. Apparently I don’t look a day over 19, though; the host asked the audience if they believed I was over 21! What! Hahah.

Water & Fuel.
The aid station Gatorade was cold, strong and surprisingly (but not cloyingly) sweet. Loved it. I didn’t bring any fluids, but the aid stations were just where I needed them to be. Gu at 6.5 and 10 miles.

Successfully finished without injury, cramping or bonking. That’s all!

What’s Next.
Seattle Rock ‘n’ Rock Marathon in two weeks, and Woodmonster Trail Race the following week!


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