Journal: Tuesday, May 26, 2020

In Personal

Quarantine Day 70. In normal times, I would be flying from Orange County to Oakland today, after a weekend with my parents. But it’s not normal times. And it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be “normal” again, not now, not ever. At least where “normal” means “pre-COVID”.

The only things I want to mention today:

  • After two days of run/walking 50 miles, I gave myself permission to be lazy yesterday. I started writing my run report but didn’t make much progress. I wanted to buy as much ultralight backpacking gear as possible, to take advantage of REI’s 25% off Memorial Weekend sale. But because I was so indecisive about what I wanted to get, I ended up only buying water filtration systems (the least expensive component of my pack stack).
  • I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, with the Christie’s crew, yesterday. Though I voted for it, I had no idea what it was about (the title just sounded cool). So I was surprised to see Robert Downey Jr. in it. Unsurprisingly, it was also Another Murder Mystery, the apparent preference of this group of friends.

    I only started to like it about mid-way through. I dunno, something about RDJ’s characters annoy me (though the only role I’ve really seen him in is Tony Stark). Yet his acting works.
  • I basically worked all day today. Honestly, I’ve written so much about work over the past couple weeks, that I don’t really want to talk about it anymore. The bottom line: the mountain of work I knew was going to come, is here, and I’m in the midst of it.


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