Journal: Tuesday, May 19, 2020

In Personal

Quarantine Day 63. Yesterday, Monday, May 18, 2020 was a forgettable day. The only thing I did other than work was top off groceries from Berkeley Bowl. Other than that, the only big news was that my project was getting two more customers, including one with lots and lots of data.

Today, more “stuff” happened:

  • I had an 8am meeting with my larger data science team.
  • I learned more about how my larger engineering team is planning on upgrading to a newer version of an API published by yet another engineering team.
  • I learned more about how our various infra team plan on testing in production.
  • I ran a small group intro to how to test and prepare my product’s codebase for production.
  • I was invited, for the first team, to an internal workgroup meant to facilitate cross-team collaboration. This meeting wasn’t particularly useful.
  • I participated in a meeting around multi-lingual language modeling.
  • After all of which, I went and ran 5.8 miles around Aquatic Park, after feeling fat.

Basically, lots of meetings. I think a lot of them are really interesting. But others are less useful. Still, sometimes I feel like I have to stay in the loop; it’s pretty often now that I’m expected to be aware of a lot of things that’re happening, and things are always happening. (I think my boss recognizes that everyone on my team now have a lot more meetings on our calendar. Now we have to use our “skills” on picking which meetings to attend, and which to skip, even more, lol.)

By the way, the description on my run: “I gained back all the weight I lost on Sunday. 😛 Went for run too soon after eating. On the plus side, the only thing better than slurping down water after a run, is bombing the toilet. Got to experience that today.” Didn’t get as many kudos for some reason, hahaha.

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