Software Engineering
Stop Writing Classes (Jack Diederich, PyCon US 2012)
Code snippets and excerpts from Python Core Developer Jack Diederich's talk at PyCon 2012.
Four Programming Paradigms in 45 Minutes (Aja Hammerly, RubyConf 2017)
Excerpts and code snippets from Aja Hammerly's "whirlwind tour of programming" at RubyConf 2017. -
Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python (Raymond Hettinger, PyCon 2013)
Code snippets and excerpts from Python Core Developer Raymond Hettinger's talk at PyCon 2013. -
Loop over tuples in Bash
Different ways to loop over an array of tuples in bash. -
On Inclusionary Language In Tech
Reflections on what we call things. -
failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown error
One of the most annoying errors while working with CUDA and TensorFlow is also one of the most cryptic: failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown error. Now that I've encountered this a few times, here's my checklist of fixes to try. -
WordPress: Style Gists with a shortcode
A recipe for applying styles to Github Gists embeds in Wordpress. -
Git: Working with an Upstream Remote
A cheatsheet to keep a fork up-to-date with an upstream repo.
Building Models with Recursive Partitioning Trees, Random Forest, and AdaBoost in R
Format a mixed column of T, G, M, K postfixed data, in Excel
Automated file sync across local Windows directory and remote Linux directory, with Cygwin and rsync
Recursively find all images above a minimum width in a directory, with Python
Export Spotify playlist to CSV, with Python
Convert PDF to text with pyPDF and PDFMiner: First Impression
Change time zone for date/time data, in Google Spreadsheets
Check proxy IP’s for connection status, speed, and detection, with Python
Get number of pages from multiple PDFs in a directory, with Python
Programmatically delete existing time-based triggers and create a new one, in Google Apps Script
Extract data points from LONI UCF, in R
Quietly run an executable with session environment variables, in Windows